My Services
Conservative orthopedic diagnostics and therapy using manual and chiropractic techniques, as well as additional diagnostics using ultrasound, X-ray, laboratory and other equipment as required.
Medical osteopathic treatment based on four years additional training culminating in a Diploma in Osteopathic Medicine from the German Society of Osteopathic Medicine.
Therapy of craniomandibular disorders (CMD) - Headache? Recurrent spine and iliosacral joint complaints? Vision Problems? Discomfort? One third of all chronical orthopedic diseases and many complaints from other disciplines can be attributed to bite dysfunction and malocclusions. Therefore an interdisciplinary treatment with the implementation of the therapeutic bite is important.
Applied Kinesiology (AK): Use of manual muscle testing as a holistic examination and therapy method.
Expert diagnosis, therapy prescriptions, and supervision of medical strengthening therapy.
Medical training mentor to athletes engaging in preventive, amateur and competitive sports and supervision of competitions.