My Philosophy

A good doctor-patient relationship is based on honesty, care and respect.

The treatment I give is based on taking a detailed case history, obtained by talking to the patient and listening carefully to what is said. Also important is drawing up a treatment plan which is based on a specific physical and manual examination, which can be supplemented as required with diagnostics using ultrasound, X-ray and other equipment.

Based on my medical training, my osteopathic treatment is grounded in the principle of the harmony of body, spirit and soul. The objective is to restore the best possible function, allowing the body’s self-healing powers to do the rest.

An extension of manual treatment with traditional medical procedures (e.g. local injections, infusions etc.) or with medical strengthening therapy, for example, is often efficacious.

Further procedures are discussed together with the patient and therapy sessions are planned.

You must be ready to take responsibility for yourself and your body, and I will help you with this.

"To find health should be the object of the doctor. Anyone can find disease."
A.T. Still, D.O. Autobiography of A.T. Still 1897